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Transports - Imielin

Entries of the branch Transports from Imielin

The list shows you all registered entries of the branch Transports from Imielin.

3 entries found - Display in city map

ul. Rejtana 3
41-407 Imielin
phone: (032)2255741,0601470825(032)2255741,0601470825
fax: 032 22 55 741

Further hits from the region Œl¹skie

ul. Radockiego 218/26
40-645 Katowice
phone: 607 676 065607 676 065

ul Tysi¹clecia 106
41-303 D¹browa Górnicza
phone: 0 32 264-95 36/7 GSM 601 431 1670 32 264-95 36/7 GSM 601 431 167
fax: 032 260 43 68